all postcodes in MK9 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK9 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK9 3PY 2 52.043347 -0.749942
MK9 3QA 3 52.04393 -0.750459
MK9 3WB 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK9 3WJ 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK9 3XA 35 52.041528 -0.748855
MK9 3XJ 2 52.046993 -0.751875
MK9 3XL 1 52.047141 -0.751556
MK9 3XS 1 52.041996 -0.747151
MK9 3PW 50 0 52.043812 -0.750526
MK9 3FH 4 4 52.042679 -0.757309
MK9 3BY 1 52.041657 -0.755908
MK9 3EL 0 52.044894 -0.758248
MK9 3DZ 1 52.047259 -0.755928
MK9 3GD 1 1 52.03875 -0.755683
MK9 3NX 12 0 52.047024 -0.752435