all postcodes in MK9 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK9 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK9 3HS 1 52.03895 -0.755881
MK9 3HW 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK9 3JT 3 52.042928 -0.750289
MK9 3JZ 1 52.046707 -0.752196
MK9 3LF 1 52.043558 -0.751131
MK9 3LQ 0 52.039899 -0.770902
MK9 3LZ 0 52.039605 -0.770239
MK9 3NB 1 52.041337 -0.755363
MK9 3NE 6 52.042391 -0.75217
MK9 3NP 0 52.047677 -0.75211
MK9 3NR 0 52.047326 -0.752951
MK9 3NS 0 52.047737 -0.752706
MK9 3NT 2 52.043015 -0.752503
MK9 3NZ 1 52.04401 -0.748815
MK9 3PD 14 52.042096 -0.759025
MK9 3PE 0 52.036337 -0.759418
MK9 3PL 0 52.040163 -0.770369
MK9 3PT 0 52.043566 -0.750183
MK9 3PU 7 52.043908 -0.749445
MK9 3PX 2 52.044322 -0.749462