all postcodes in N2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N2 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N2 0BG 21 0 51.574253 -0.170643
N2 0BH 5 0 51.575172 -0.16978
N2 0BJ 5 0 51.576316 -0.170834
N2 0BL 9 0 51.577893 -0.16892
N2 0BN 28 0 51.580501 -0.168169
N2 0BP 3 0 51.579098 -0.167818
N2 0BS 26 0 51.582142 -0.163325
N2 0BT 44 0 51.581288 -0.159503
N2 0BU 31 0 51.58129 -0.157352
N2 0BX 25 0 51.583193 -0.165113
N2 0BY 4 0 51.581608 -0.160385
N2 0DD 20 1 51.585312 -0.175092
N2 0DE 21 0 51.586188 -0.174996
N2 0DF 20 0 51.586618 -0.175455
N2 0DG 18 0 51.586307 -0.176853
N2 0DH 24 0 51.586345 -0.177573
N2 0DJ 30 0 51.586579 -0.178762
N2 0DL 6 0 51.585915 -0.179803
N2 0DN 8 2 51.58577 -0.17992
N2 0DP 1 1 51.585897 -0.180594