all postcodes in N2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N2 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N2 0DQ 22 0 51.585591 -0.177618
N2 0DR 10 0 51.585815 -0.180297
N2 0DS 21 0 51.586883 -0.180381
N2 0DT 12 0 51.586956 -0.181013
N2 0DW 5 5 51.585815 -0.180269
N2 0EA 16 0 51.584877 -0.176668
N2 0EB 38 0 51.584869 -0.177473
N2 0ED 23 0 51.585056 -0.179068
N2 0EE 19 0 51.58514 -0.179902
N2 0EF 14 13 51.585241 -0.180562
N2 0EH 20 1 51.583561 -0.180138
N2 0EJ 6 0 51.581526 -0.179382
N2 0EL 19 0 51.579829 -0.179551
N2 0EN 18 0 51.579641 -0.180179
N2 0EQ 1 1 51.585238 -0.179797
N2 0ER 3 1 51.584436 -0.181446
N2 0ES 12 0 51.58451 -0.182193
N2 0EW 23 0 51.582576 -0.180351
N2 0EY 16 0 51.58685 -0.170711
N2 0EZ 22 0 51.587154 -0.170626