all postcodes in N2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N2 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N2 0FZ 1 0 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 0GB 1 0 51.584272 -0.163395
N2 0HA 21 0 51.587317 -0.174113
N2 0HB 40 0 51.587885 -0.175375
N2 0HD 17 0 51.587928 -0.178174
N2 0HE 9 0 51.588382 -0.179036
N2 0HF 10 0 51.587729 -0.17925
N2 0HG 12 0 51.587349 -0.177345
N2 0HJ 15 0 51.58605 -0.173038
N2 0HL 14 0 51.586077 -0.172459
N2 0HN 24 0 51.585177 -0.173607
N2 0HP 26 0 51.586052 -0.174323
N2 0HQ 14 0 51.586986 -0.174271
N2 0HR 1 0 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 0HU 39 0 51.587135 -0.167076
N2 0HX 6 0 51.58587 -0.167257
N2 0HY 3 0 51.585506 -0.167589
N2 0HZ 14 0 51.585155 -0.169249
N2 0JA 7 0 51.585645 -0.169546
N2 0JB 15 0 51.585933 -0.16903