all postcodes in N2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N2 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N2 0RF 27 0 51.582254 -0.176986
N2 0RG 15 0 51.582038 -0.178178
N2 0RH 16 0 51.581336 -0.175064
N2 0RJ 5 0 51.581254 -0.17401
N2 0RL 3 0 51.580453 -0.173407
N2 0RN 7 0 51.58097 -0.173068
N2 0RP 14 0 51.582583 -0.172715
N2 0RQ 6 0 51.581709 -0.17493
N2 0RR 33 1 51.590461 -0.175463
N2 0RS 52 0 51.595349 -0.181775
N2 0RU 1 1 51.590963 -0.175963
N2 0RW 21 0 51.582607 -0.171949
N2 0RX 18 0 51.591372 -0.178137
N2 0RY 14 6 51.591536 -0.178896
N2 0RZ 21 8 51.592219 -0.180558
N2 0SB 6 0 51.592091 -0.180263
N2 0SD 18 0 51.594323 -0.184083
N2 0SE 2 2 51.591119 -0.18713
N2 0SG 4 0 51.592663 -0.179995
N2 0SH 5 0 51.593912 -0.177028