all postcodes in N20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N20 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N20 9BU 12 0 51.636145 -0.174725
N20 9BX 11 0 51.636579 -0.174866
N20 9BZ 3 0 51.637527 -0.174496
N20 9DA 11 0 51.637515 -0.173774
N20 9DB 12 0 51.635726 -0.172039
N20 9DD 15 0 51.635767 -0.172948
N20 9DE 16 0 51.637537 -0.172241
N20 9DF 10 0 51.638061 -0.177076
N20 9DG 25 1 51.637338 -0.171613
N20 9DH 12 0 51.638418 -0.169966
N20 9DJ 12 0 51.63819 -0.172634
N20 9DL 25 0 51.63857 -0.172807
N20 9DN 13 0 51.637981 -0.175966
N20 9DP 19 0 51.637408 -0.176148
N20 9DT 6 0 51.632426 -0.167996
N20 9HJ 80 28 51.631918 -0.175043
N20 9DX 29 3 51.633895 -0.172807
N20 9DZ 28 1 51.635897 -0.168564
N20 9EA 3 1 51.632518 -0.175058
N20 9EB 29 0 51.632675 -0.174214