all postcodes in N20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N20 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N20 9JP 12 0 51.632649 -0.162713
N20 9JR 9 0 51.632384 -0.163605
N20 9JS 15 0 51.630489 -0.164133
N20 9JT 15 0 51.631082 -0.161447
N20 9JU 43 2 51.630181 -0.163579
N20 9JW 4 0 51.633581 -0.163658
N20 9JX 4 0 51.631849 -0.161604
N20 9LG 10 0 51.630562 -0.178258
N20 9LH 12 0 51.631125 -0.178019
N20 9LJ 35 0 51.631618 -0.176756
N20 9LL 34 1 51.63185 -0.177224
N20 9LN 22 7 51.633084 -0.176221
N20 9LR 1 1 51.629749 -0.173771
N20 9NH 1 0 51.63445 -0.168074
N20 9PF 18 0 51.635519 -0.177264
N20 9PH 12 0 51.635892 -0.177481
N20 9PJ 38 0 51.637347 -0.178929
N20 9PL 8 0 51.636549 -0.178119
N20 9PN 8 0 51.638046 -0.179533
N20 9PP 9 0 51.639346 -0.180449