all postcodes in N20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N20 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N20 9PQ 39 0 51.638811 -0.17904
N20 9PR 21 0 51.639099 -0.18137
N20 9PS 40 1 51.639041 -0.182254
N20 9PT 9 0 51.639444 -0.179625
N20 9PU 26 0 51.638847 -0.177319
N20 9PW 9 0 51.638383 -0.178653
N20 9PX 12 0 51.639271 -0.178545
N20 9QA 6 0 51.638197 -0.178649
N20 9QB 12 0 51.637908 -0.178224
N20 9QD 12 0 51.636685 -0.177044
N20 9QE 11 0 51.636942 -0.176239
N20 9QG 18 0 51.637467 -0.177392
N20 9QH 14 0 51.63026 -0.176724
N20 9QJ 13 11 51.630275 -0.178298
N20 9QL 10 8 51.633081 -0.178908
N20 9QP 2 2 51.630238 -0.179156
N20 9QT 12 0 51.637698 -0.178001
N20 9QU 31 0 51.636204 -0.176547
N20 9QX 15 0 51.63037 -0.179783
N20 9RA 17 0 51.638114 -0.18047