all postcodes in N20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N20 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N20 9RN 8 0 51.635192 -0.177017
N20 9RP 5 0 51.634901 -0.168749
N20 9RR 10 0 51.636648 -0.16637
N20 9RS 1 1 51.630498 -0.174735
N20 9RT 3 0 51.636193 -0.177801
N20 9RW 12 0 51.638073 -0.178419
N20 9WS 1 0 51.629749 -0.173771
N20 9WX 1 1 51.629749 -0.173771
N20 9YZ 1 1 51.633776 -0.175615
N20 9LD 1 51.632749 -0.176032
N20 9LZ 11 51.633831 -0.17722
N20 9LB 2 51.633794 -0.178475
N20 9BD 2 51.633452 -0.176542
N20 9BE 0 51.633378 -0.177542
N20 9BF 0 51.633367 -0.17682
N20 9BL 0 51.633493 -0.176294