all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N4 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 1NS 4 0 51.578447 -0.086992
N4 1NT 6 3 51.578705 -0.087342
N4 1NU 40 0 51.57847 -0.088983
N4 1NW 29 0 51.576986 -0.089507
N4 1NX 12 0 51.578175 -0.08963
N4 1FF 36 2 51.57809 -0.091568
N4 1NY 27 0 51.577494 -0.090716
N4 1PB 12 0 51.5779 -0.090378
N4 1PD 30 0 51.57784 -0.0895
N4 1PE 52 1 51.577699 -0.089087
N4 1PL 4 4 51.575328 -0.090763
N4 1PP 20 2 51.574814 -0.09292
N4 1PR 7 5 51.576365 -0.089291
N4 1PT 3 3 51.57506 -0.09106
N4 1PU 9 1 51.576729 -0.090802
N4 1PY 13 2 51.575085 -0.093137
N4 1TD 24 12 51.576639 -0.088428
N4 1PZ 48 5 51.574539 -0.093275
N4 1QA 37 0 51.574728 -0.094422
N4 1QB 18 0 51.575977 -0.103808