all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 1EP 5 3 51.576029 -0.099245
N4 1EQ 77 0 51.575459 -0.100106
N4 1ER 46 0 51.576245 -0.100376
N4 1ES 7 3 51.577313 -0.099134
N4 1EU 32 12 51.577772 -0.099129
N4 1EW 9 0 51.576159 -0.099471
N4 1EY 48 9 51.57843 -0.099246
N4 1HA 36 9 51.579108 -0.099434
N4 1HE 39 13 51.579738 -0.099495
N4 1HG 57 1 51.577765 -0.093703
N4 1HH 52 0 51.572988 -0.096356
N4 1HJ 40 0 51.573196 -0.095308
N4 1HL 40 0 51.573458 -0.095976
N4 1HN 40 0 51.573437 -0.0969
N4 1HP 24 0 51.572398 -0.09602
N4 1HT 44 0 51.578158 -0.096862
N4 1HU 18 1 51.577755 -0.097542
N4 1HW 18 0 51.572806 -0.096753
N4 1HX 4 0 51.578275 -0.095183
N4 1HY 40 0 51.578405 -0.096956