all postcodes in NE13 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE13 7BX 8 0 55.041286 -1.640481
NE13 7BY 8 0 55.040583 -1.639705
NE13 7BZ 8 0 55.041097 -1.640138
NE13 7DA 20 0 55.040895 -1.641783
NE13 7DB 16 0 55.041035 -1.640483
NE13 7DD 1 1 55.042111 -1.636921
NE13 7DE 34 0 55.040233 -1.639896
NE13 7DF 20 0 55.040884 -1.638043
NE13 7DG 24 0 55.040755 -1.637043
NE13 7DJ 3 1 55.042057 -1.634588
NE13 7DL 18 0 55.046484 -1.638666
NE13 7DN 20 0 55.047361 -1.637468
NE13 7DP 34 0 55.046803 -1.637317
NE13 7DQ 25 1 55.041416 -1.635848
NE13 7DS 16 5 55.047927 -1.635317
NE13 7DT 14 2 55.048571 -1.636534
NE13 7DU 1 1 55.048184 -1.636146
NE13 7DW 37 0 55.049986 -1.634987
NE13 7DX 16 0 55.048844 -1.637612
NE13 7DY 19 1 55.047649 -1.637528