all postcodes in NE13 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE13 6LP 12 0 55.043697 -1.61758
NE13 6NN 31 0 55.042754 -1.617918
NE13 6NP 37 0 55.047387 -1.617293
NE13 6NR 8 0 55.047049 -1.618297
NE13 6NS 10 0 55.04706 -1.616247
NE13 6NT 34 0 55.046439 -1.615987
NE13 6NU 7 0 55.045634 -1.617168
NE13 6BD 6 0 55.057971 -1.628573
NE13 6BF 0 55.087746 -1.664001
NE13 7AA 4 0 55.05911 -1.677221
NE13 7AB 2 1 55.065925 -1.683051
NE13 7AD 4 0 55.060143 -1.68496
NE13 7AF 15 0 55.053377 -1.687614
NE13 7AG 17 1 55.05432 -1.68399
NE13 7AH 4 0 55.054583 -1.682514
NE13 7AJ 1 0 55.04786 -1.670847
NE13 7AL 11 0 55.02181 -1.667714
NE13 7AN 5 0 55.018543 -1.665942
NE13 7AP 6 2 55.041627 -1.655719
NE13 7AQ 3 0 55.052976 -1.689213