all postcodes in NE13 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE13 7AR 9 0 55.040953 -1.643285
NE13 7AS 40 3 55.041698 -1.640725
NE13 7AT 4 0 55.041857 -1.641947
NE13 7AU 18 0 55.041935 -1.641148
NE13 7AW 11 0 55.018842 -1.663672
NE13 7AX 18 0 55.042041 -1.640318
NE13 7AY 26 0 55.042093 -1.639816
NE13 7AZ 5 1 55.050489 -1.66029
NE13 7BA 89 83 55.046644 -1.644189
NE13 7BD 35 0 55.048775 -1.641541
NE13 7BG 26 0 55.019898 -1.662083
NE13 7BH 16 0 55.04209 -1.63592
NE13 7BJ 34 0 55.042572 -1.63482
NE13 7BL 42 0 55.04278 -1.635288
NE13 7BN 41 0 55.042544 -1.631471
NE13 7BP 21 3 55.041745 -1.637754
NE13 7BS 27 1 55.041739 -1.635438
NE13 7BT 10 0 55.042215 -1.638548
NE13 7BU 7 0 55.042064 -1.638987
NE13 7BW 4 0 55.041715 -1.631258