all postcodes in NE30 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE30 2AG 6 0 55.014605 -1.444381
NE30 2AH 15 0 55.014064 -1.443812
NE30 2AJ 8 0 55.014612 -1.443617
NE30 2AL 17 0 55.01375 -1.443848
NE30 2AP 1 0 55.012195 -1.443791
NE30 2AR 2 1 55.012094 -1.443431
NE30 2AS 19 0 55.012706 -1.443518
NE30 2AT 9 0 55.013702 -1.443082
NE30 2AU 9 0 55.014509 -1.442805
NE30 2AW 64 0 55.012927 -1.444547
NE30 2AX 13 1 55.014855 -1.443645
NE30 2AZ 6 0 55.015121 -1.445033
NE30 2BA 7 0 55.01568 -1.445322
NE30 2BB 6 1 55.016094 -1.44552
NE30 2BD 2 1 55.016591 -1.444354
NE30 2BE 3 2 55.016836 -1.444991
NE30 2BG 2 1 55.018532 -1.44428
NE30 2BH 48 0 55.013638 -1.446805
NE30 2BN 31 0 55.01621 -1.44727
NE30 2BP 20 0 55.015529 -1.449688