all postcodes in NE30 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE30 1NA 20 9 55.0083 -1.442969
NE30 1ND 1 1 55.00788 -1.443429
NE30 1NE 32 0 55.007321 -1.44303
NE30 1NF 6 0 55.008626 -1.439556
NE30 1NG 18 0 55.006965 -1.443738
NE30 1NH 8 2 55.008053 -1.443864
NE30 1NL 23 0 55.007288 -1.443687
NE30 1NQ 8 3 55.008597 -1.442872
NE30 1NR 18 0 55.007309 -1.444297
NE30 1NS 8 0 55.008627 -1.443901
NE30 1NT 4 3 55.008261 -1.444096
NE30 1QP 9 7 55.010288 -1.447273
NE30 1NX 17 0 55.008425 -1.442872
NE30 1NY 23 0 55.008134 -1.442235
NE30 1NZ 20 0 55.007666 -1.442069
NE30 1PD 1 1 55.009659 -1.445249
NE30 1PG 34 0 55.008935 -1.442304
NE30 1PQ 29 0 55.008169 -1.441736
NE30 1PT 9 2 55.011215 -1.445509
NE30 1PU 2 1 55.010992 -1.446245