all postcodes in NE4 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE4 8BD 11 6 54.970425 -1.658293
NE4 8BE 14 14 54.970322 -1.655845
NE4 8BH 37 0 54.971218 -1.655103
NE4 8BJ 20 0 54.971438 -1.656741
NE4 8BL 6 4 54.970189 -1.657577
NE4 8BN 10 6 54.969877 -1.657333
NE4 8BP 7 0 54.971524 -1.658381
NE4 8BR 18 0 54.971723 -1.658863
NE4 8BS 7 0 54.971533 -1.658475
NE4 8BT 7 0 54.971661 -1.659348
NE4 8BU 7 0 54.971662 -1.659411
NE4 8BW 19 0 54.971396 -1.65771
NE4 8BX 6 0 54.971383 -1.659507
NE4 8BY 18 0 54.971184 -1.658806
NE4 8BZ 11 0 54.970949 -1.65837
NE4 8DA 35 0 54.970838 -1.657434
NE4 8DB 11 0 54.97094 -1.658323
NE4 8DE 2 2 54.969007 -1.646278
NE4 8DF 13 0 54.96857 -1.646785
NE4 8DH 20 0 54.969237 -1.647232