all postcodes in NE4 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE4 8HE 31 1 54.96677 -1.65511
NE4 8HF 18 0 54.967798 -1.656522
NE4 8HG 39 0 54.967214 -1.656481
NE4 8HH 27 0 54.967327 -1.658151
NE4 8HJ 25 0 54.96782 -1.657881
NE4 8HT 3 0 54.967808 -1.653555
NE4 8HW 39 0 54.96826 -1.657831
NE4 8HZ 41 0 54.967342 -1.660556
NE4 8JB 38 0 54.966999 -1.659778
NE4 8JD 34 0 54.966653 -1.658063
NE4 8JE 8 0 54.967103 -1.658543
NE4 8JF 12 0 54.967366 -1.659385
NE4 8JG 11 0 54.967701 -1.660241
NE4 8JQ 20 1 54.966839 -1.657405
NE4 8JR 12 0 54.966247 -1.660972
NE4 8JS 26 0 54.965906 -1.661193
NE4 8JU 16 0 54.966582 -1.661656
NE4 8LH 12 0 54.964869 -1.653486
NE4 8LU 16 0 54.965388 -1.652591
NE4 8LW 8 0 54.965273 -1.653389