all postcodes in NE4 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE4 8LZ 34 0 54.964781 -1.651066
NE4 8NB 20 1 54.968487 -1.646082
NE4 8NZ 1 1 54.976238 -1.644546
NE4 8PA 1 1 54.973169 -1.658679
NE4 8PQ 49 0 54.969175 -1.65712
NE4 8QB 22 2 54.969004 -1.66023
NE4 8PR 1 1 54.968839 -1.659013
NE4 8PY 69 1 54.969349 -1.658337
NE4 8QA 46 0 54.969603 -1.659194
NE4 8QH 65 0 54.969605 -1.659709
NE4 8QJ 9 0 54.970242 -1.659532
NE4 8QL 9 0 54.970361 -1.660172
NE4 8QN 44 0 54.969715 -1.660614
NE4 8QP 18 2 54.969131 -1.661319
NE4 8QW 41 0 54.968543 -1.65939
NE4 8RL 2 2 54.973478 -1.641912
NE4 8RN 9 4 54.973636 -1.64285
NE4 8RP 1 1 54.973773 -1.644206
NE4 8RQ 22 0 54.97353 -1.646366
NE4 8RR 6 1 54.972553 -1.647546