all postcodes in NE4 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE4 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE4 8DJ 7 1 54.969051 -1.648327
NE4 8DL 12 1 54.969112 -1.650825
NE4 8DN 6 0 54.969163 -1.649654
NE4 8DP 14 1 54.969565 -1.648963
NE4 8DQ 22 0 54.970592 -1.649766
NE4 8DR 30 0 54.96973 -1.650133
NE4 8DS 4 0 54.969489 -1.651272
NE4 8DT 33 0 54.969893 -1.650584
NE4 8DU 23 0 54.97085 -1.651998
NE4 8DX 27 0 54.970086 -1.651911
NE4 8DY 22 3 54.969507 -1.653603
NE4 8EA 34 0 54.970196 -1.652816
NE4 8EB 51 0 54.970251 -1.653284
NE4 8ED 13 7 54.96985 -1.654224
NE4 8EE 9 0 54.970536 -1.655468
NE4 8EQ 32 0 54.970876 -1.655028
NE4 8EU 15 0 54.969377 -1.642872
NE4 8HA 18 0 54.968125 -1.654333
NE4 8HB 18 0 54.967908 -1.653944
NE4 8HD 15 0 54.966838 -1.65386