all postcodes in NE48 / HEXHAM

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE48 3HD 1 0 55.079195 -2.249029
NE48 3HE 5 0 55.097463 -2.216329
NE48 3HF 2 0 55.08963 -2.212724
NE48 3HG 3 0 55.102949 -2.213961
NE48 3HH 1 0 55.106083 -2.204401
NE48 3HJ 2 0 55.098703 -2.198026
NE48 3HL 22 1 55.097972 -2.191353
NE48 3HN 4 0 55.098414 -2.190274
NE48 3HP 1 0 55.096477 -2.181835
NE48 3HR 3 0 55.118174 -2.207097
NE48 3HS 1 0 55.090594 -2.179834
NE48 3HT 1 0 55.092627 -2.17262
NE48 3HU 2 0 55.083952 -2.165573
NE48 3HW 3 0 55.097458 -2.192495
NE48 3HX 1 0 55.090041 -2.164509
NE48 3HY 1 0 55.0928 -2.164332
NE48 3HZ 2 0 55.088882 -2.147655
NE48 3JA 1 0 55.104555 -2.156277
NE48 3JB 5 0 55.102983 -2.141555
NE48 3JD 1 0 55.10046 -2.113165