all postcodes in NE48 / HEXHAM

find any address or company within the NE48 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE48 3JE 5 0 55.108217 -2.129614
NE48 3JF 1 0 55.115889 -2.11313
NE48 3JG 3 0 55.111603 -2.122461
NE48 3JH 2 0 55.116977 -2.127127
NE48 3JJ 2 0 55.121431 -2.111885
NE48 3JL 5 0 55.117276 -2.152141
NE48 3JN 3 0 55.109929 -2.169277
NE48 3JP 2 0 55.088421 -2.220394
NE48 3JQ 7 2 55.117941 -2.136638
NE48 3LA 2 0 55.087584 -2.221266
NE48 3LB 10 0 55.087667 -2.221916
NE48 3LD 2 0 55.087835 -2.221597
NE48 3LE 11 0 55.087829 -2.222042
NE48 3LF 4 0 55.087818 -2.223155
NE48 3LH 7 0 55.088075 -2.220007
NE48 3LJ 5 0 55.088158 -2.219052
NE48 3LL 7 0 55.087862 -2.218643
NE48 3LP 3 0 55.087341 -2.218202
NE48 3LQ 14 0 55.086572 -2.221299
NE48 3LR 12 2 55.087275 -2.2203