all postcodes in NE48 / HEXHAM

find any address or company within the NE48 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE48 3PR 1 0 55.106741 -2.237837
NE48 3PS 3 0 55.109854 -2.231444
NE48 3PT 4 0 55.114348 -2.216013
NE48 3PU 3 0 55.120804 -2.223746
NE48 3PW 3 0 55.074275 -2.221772
NE48 3PX 1 0 55.126034 -2.233185
NE48 3PY 1 0 55.121382 -2.24578
NE48 3PZ 1 0 55.112433 -2.240442
NE48 3QA 2 0 55.109686 -2.254714
NE48 3QB 3 0 55.118348 -2.261439
NE48 3QD 1 0 55.114261 -2.268891
NE48 3QE 2 0 55.111519 -2.271687
NE48 3BF 6 0 55.090065 -2.222494
NE48 3LZ 0 55.088734 -2.221304
NE48 3EN 4 0 55.079841 -2.322119