all postcodes in NE48 / HEXHAM

find any address or company within the NE48 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE48 3LS 11 1 55.085431 -2.219171
NE48 3LT 10 0 55.087786 -2.220773
NE48 3LW 56 0 55.088771 -2.222862
NE48 3LX 20 0 55.088531 -2.221216
NE48 3LY 6 0 55.088709 -2.221985
NE48 3NA 26 0 55.088938 -2.220028
NE48 3ND 2 0 55.099155 -2.245809
NE48 3NP 5 0 55.085244 -2.205125
NE48 3NR 2 0 55.085979 -2.203587
NE48 3NS 4 0 55.085314 -2.189507
NE48 3NT 8 1 55.077061 -2.186022
NE48 3NU 1 0 55.07899 -2.176195
NE48 3NX 2 0 55.07925 -2.167715
NE48 3PA 1 0 55.071211 -2.167203
NE48 3PB 4 0 55.065944 -2.161716
NE48 3PD 2 0 55.069256 -2.180968
NE48 3PE 3 0 55.067665 -2.183833
NE48 3PL 1 0 55.080041 -2.210032
NE48 3PN 1 0 55.076668 -2.206945
NE48 3PP 9 0 55.097118 -2.223395