all postcodes in NE49 / HALTWHISTLE

find any address or company within the NE49 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE49 0DR 9 0 54.971291 -2.453669
NE49 0DS 3 0 54.970977 -2.453416
NE49 0DT 4 0 54.971875 -2.45366
NE49 0DU 4 0 54.971669 -2.453408
NE49 0DW 3 0 54.971603 -2.454267
NE49 0DX 2 0 54.971694 -2.453181
NE49 0DY 6 0 54.971877 -2.452989
NE49 0DZ 7 0 54.971462 -2.452648
NE49 0EA 7 0 54.971663 -2.452596
NE49 0EB 3 0 54.971755 -2.452144
NE49 0ED 2 0 54.971608 -2.452056
NE49 0EE 1 0 54.971756 -2.451894
NE49 0EF 3 0 54.97155 -2.451485
NE49 0EG 1 0 54.9712 -2.451497
NE49 0EL 3 0 54.971627 -2.450237
NE49 0EN 1 0 54.971542 -2.451267
NE49 0EP 3 0 54.970358 -2.448457
NE49 0EQ 9 0 54.971767 -2.45116
NE49 0ER 1 0 54.97076 -2.449102
NE49 0ES 1 0 54.970885 -2.449197