all postcodes in NE49 / HALTWHISTLE

find any address or company within the NE49 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE49 0LS 19 0 54.968849 -2.404563
NE49 0LT 20 0 54.969095 -2.409033
NE49 0LU 4 0 54.969253 -2.409104
NE49 0LX 3 0 54.969243 -2.410253
NE49 0LY 5 0 54.969144 -2.410533
NE49 0LZ 1 0 54.969607 -2.411537
NE49 0NA 2 0 54.969102 -2.403261
NE49 0NB 1 0 54.971972 -2.441914
NE49 0ND 9 7 54.969452 -2.450228
NE49 0NE 1 0 54.968773 -2.441973
NE49 0NF 6 0 54.968312 -2.43005
NE49 0NU 10 0 54.929358 -2.488948
NE49 0NX 4 0 54.929954 -2.492857
NE49 0PA 4 0 54.933007 -2.491099
NE49 0PB 1 0 54.935997 -2.491698
NE49 0PE 1 0 54.928949 -2.474275
NE49 0PF 1 0 54.932788 -2.469373
NE49 0PG 1 0 54.932053 -2.466571
NE49 0PH 1 0 54.933764 -2.458475
NE49 0PJ 1 0 54.928542 -2.44654