all postcodes in NE49 / HALTWHISTLE

find any address or company within the NE49 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE49 0PN 1 0 54.931325 -2.427345
NE49 0PP 1 0 54.927351 -2.420328
NE49 0PQ 2 0 54.929799 -2.458328
NE49 0PR 2 0 54.923209 -2.424426
NE49 0PS 1 0 54.925392 -2.438158
NE49 0PT 1 0 54.92369 -2.443975
NE49 0PU 3 0 54.923512 -2.4509
NE49 0PX 1 0 54.92322 -2.454517
NE49 0QJ 1 0 54.927103 -2.488858
NE49 0QL 7 0 54.921362 -2.479662
NE49 0QN 14 1 54.922328 -2.471435
NE49 0QP 5 0 54.908186 -2.491265
NE49 0QR 5 0 54.91832 -2.491903
NE49 0QT 8 0 54.924256 -2.50385
NE49 0QU 8 0 54.926623 -2.500821
NE49 0QW 2 0 54.918486 -2.481397
NE49 0BA 0 54.965167 -2.47592
NE49 0DE 0 54.971035 -2.454666
NE49 0DN 3 0 54.970494 -2.457628
NE49 9AB 8 4 54.970371 -2.459345