all postcodes in NE49 / HALTWHISTLE

find any address or company within the NE49 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE49 0ET 11 2 54.971235 -2.449264
NE49 0EW 3 0 54.970473 -2.448833
NE49 0EX 13 11 54.967696 -2.453832
NE49 0HA 3 0 54.949139 -2.490781
NE49 0HH 1 1 54.968497 -2.458152
NE49 0HJ 1 1 54.967731 -2.458737
NE49 0HL 2 0 54.960302 -2.457145
NE49 0HN 1 1 54.959083 -2.459654
NE49 0HP 4 0 54.961937 -2.450214
NE49 0HQ 2 1 54.968991 -2.455924
NE49 0HR 1 0 54.962 -2.448458
NE49 0HS 5 0 54.96162 -2.446767
NE49 0HT 4 0 54.961816 -2.444832
NE49 0HU 1 0 54.960903 -2.443698
NE49 0HW 1 1 54.958454 -2.461864
NE49 0HX 11 0 54.9628 -2.418308
NE49 0HY 2 0 54.966238 -2.462976
NE49 0HZ 2 0 54.960366 -2.468905
NE49 0JA 2 0 54.956348 -2.473621
NE49 0JB 25 1 54.948179 -2.490488