all postcodes in NG18 / MANSFIELD

find any address or company within the NG18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG18 1LL 1 1 53.142173 -1.200092
NG18 1LN 1 1 53.140991 -1.196676
NG18 1LP 7 7 53.142515 -1.198725
NG18 1LU 1 1 53.14468 -1.195949
NG18 1NA 6 4 53.145102 -1.19567
NG18 1NB 11 9 53.14621 -1.194737
NG18 1ND 3 3 53.146595 -1.194627
NG18 1NE 38 14 53.144865 -1.195318
NG18 1NG 13 13 53.146007 -1.19404
NG18 1NH 1 1 53.145415 -1.198193
NG18 1NJ 12 9 53.145247 -1.194668
NG18 1NQ 12 4 53.145596 -1.194392
NG18 1NU 6 5 53.145828 -1.196763
NG18 1NW 8 1 53.144862 -1.194914
NG18 1NY 3 1 53.146193 -1.196354
NG18 1PJ 13 2 53.147247 -1.195363
NG18 1PL 37 0 53.14678 -1.196702
NG18 1PN 16 8 53.147402 -1.195508
NG18 1PQ 12 0 53.147437 -1.19823
NG18 1QA 21 8 53.146989 -1.202455