all postcodes in NG18 / MANSFIELD

find any address or company within the NG18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG18 1RX 3 1 53.145643 -1.198682
NG18 1RY 10 10 53.144841 -1.197037
NG18 1SH 1 1 53.1454 -1.198627
NG18 1SN 17 16 53.144805 -1.198503
NG18 1SS 13 11 53.145175 -1.195985
NG18 1ST 12 7 53.145411 -1.196369
NG18 1SU 15 15 53.144838 -1.199265
NG18 1SW 1 1 53.144872 -1.196394
NG18 1SX 18 18 53.145321 -1.198957
NG18 1TA 14 1 53.147373 -1.202012
NG18 1TD 24 0 53.147822 -1.202021
NG18 1TF 11 1 53.148061 -1.203958
NG18 1TG 37 0 53.147406 -1.204286
NG18 1TH 11 0 53.147024 -1.204921
NG18 1TJ 14 1 53.147483 -1.205092
NG18 1TL 1 1 53.148291 -1.202161
NG18 1TQ 38 0 53.147409 -1.204675
NG18 1TW 11 0 53.148263 -1.206139
NG18 1ZH 1 1 53.154679 -1.187119
NG18 1QP 1 53.146202 -1.202963