all postcodes in NG18 / MANSFIELD

find any address or company within the NG18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG18 1QB 36 7 53.146592 -1.203539
NG18 1QD 5 0 53.14706 -1.202214
NG18 1QE 30 0 53.147462 -1.203238
NG18 1QF 25 1 53.147528 -1.203594
NG18 1QH 16 4 53.146396 -1.202344
NG18 1QJ 31 12 53.145988 -1.201858
NG18 1QL 6 4 53.145313 -1.203188
NG18 1QN 6 6 53.144924 -1.201431
NG18 1QQ 1 1 53.147336 -1.200505
NG18 1QU 11 1 53.145954 -1.204851
NG18 1QX 3 1 53.14723 -1.206113
NG18 1QY 10 0 53.148015 -1.206682
NG18 1RB 2 1 53.147333 -1.205347
NG18 1RD 16 2 53.146654 -1.206094
NG18 1RP 25 2 53.145532 -1.202211
NG18 1RR 23 14 53.146328 -1.198981
NG18 1RS 15 12 53.145474 -1.197562
NG18 1RT 12 10 53.146909 -1.199778
NG18 1RU 19 14 53.146123 -1.199239
NG18 1RW 13 1 53.145227 -1.202428