all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 1HE 10 0 52.942834 -1.153266
NG2 1HF 17 0 52.94253 -1.15348
NG2 1HG 28 0 52.942775 -1.152523
NG2 1HH 20 0 52.942047 -1.153876
NG2 1HJ 7 0 52.942021 -1.152746
NG2 1HL 12 0 52.942189 -1.152371
NG2 1HN 28 0 52.944536 -1.152369
NG2 1HQ 8 0 52.94181 -1.155979
NG2 1JH 36 0 52.942837 -1.151197
NG2 1LA 15 0 52.939988 -1.153842
NG2 1LB 45 0 52.94047 -1.153327
NG2 1LD 31 0 52.940782 -1.154243
NG2 1LE 45 0 52.94155 -1.153425
NG2 1LF 21 0 52.94094 -1.152425
NG2 1LG 18 0 52.941327 -1.152462
NG2 1LL 7 7 52.938207 -1.166406
NG2 1LN 1 1 52.936838 -1.164691
NG2 1LP 1 1 52.93798 -1.166097
NG2 1LQ 1 1 52.936277 -1.16549
NG2 1LR 1 1 52.945098 -1.135601