all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 1LS 1 1 52.938686 -1.162914
NG2 1LT 6 5 52.937474 -1.161867
NG2 1LU 1 1 52.935849 -1.162121
NG2 1LW 13 11 52.93631 -1.163779
NG2 1NA 14 12 52.938993 -1.165691
NG2 1NB 8 6 52.945357 -1.14872
NG2 1NE 3 2 52.945804 -1.151184
NG2 1NG 1 1 52.945098 -1.135601
NG2 1NL 2 2 52.945408 -1.152067
NG2 1NT 27 1 52.944883 -1.150666
NG2 1NX 25 0 52.943993 -1.153139
NG2 1PA 20 0 52.940038 -1.159615
NG2 1PB 18 0 52.940417 -1.157182
NG2 1PD 37 0 52.939155 -1.15548
NG2 1PE 35 0 52.940709 -1.15914
NG2 1PF 41 0 52.940009 -1.155479
NG2 1PG 24 0 52.940424 -1.158283
NG2 1PH 35 0 52.940602 -1.155482
NG2 1PJ 17 0 52.939675 -1.156527
NG2 1PL 41 0 52.939514 -1.159164