all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 1PN 26 0 52.93881 -1.156246
NG2 1PQ 30 0 52.941241 -1.158074
NG2 1PR 11 0 52.941136 -1.156883
NG2 1PS 26 0 52.941334 -1.155914
NG2 1PT 17 0 52.941165 -1.155025
NG2 1PU 15 0 52.941839 -1.154952
NG2 1PW 26 0 52.94172 -1.159342
NG2 1PX 4 0 52.9418 -1.154566
NG2 1PY 23 0 52.942471 -1.155297
NG2 1PZ 11 0 52.943419 -1.154683
NG2 1QA 39 1 52.943 -1.155123
NG2 1QB 25 0 52.943143 -1.156325
NG2 1QD 46 0 52.9426 -1.15705
NG2 1QE 18 0 52.942841 -1.158087
NG2 1QF 24 0 52.94236 -1.158362
NG2 1QQ 10 0 52.940709 -1.157876
NG2 1RR 1 1 52.934861 -1.164833
NG2 1RS 1 1 52.931018 -1.162899
NG2 1RT 10 10 52.934882 -1.16483
NG2 1RU 7 7 52.932172 -1.166861