all postcodes in NG34 / SLEAFORD

find any address or company within the NG34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG34 0SN 25 0 52.888723 -0.411773
NG34 0SP 5 0 52.887854 -0.412711
NG34 0SQ 9 0 52.887032 -0.40638
NG34 0SR 2 0 52.902252 -0.42492
NG34 0SS 3 0 52.900555 -0.427397
NG34 0ST 5 0 52.90314 -0.423661
NG34 0SU 13 0 52.903124 -0.426501
NG34 0SW 46 1 52.88908 -0.412235
NG34 0SX 20 0 52.950245 -0.307722
NG34 0SY 1 0 52.901805 -0.440391
NG34 0SZ 5 0 52.90584 -0.488959
NG34 0TA 7 0 52.905961 -0.492077
NG34 0TB 12 0 52.893307 -0.485381
NG34 0TD 21 1 52.890067 -0.453685
NG34 0TE 4 0 52.892298 -0.451703
NG34 0TF 10 0 52.89088 -0.447785
NG34 0TJ 22 0 52.888963 -0.450759
NG34 0TH 2 0 52.886614 -0.451259
NG34 0TL 1 1 52.874907 -0.443868
NG34 0TN 3 0 52.880869 -0.430309