all postcodes in NG34 / SLEAFORD

find any address or company within the NG34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG34 0PF 17 1 52.90294 -0.339705
NG34 0PG 4 0 52.901002 -0.340597
NG34 0PH 10 0 52.902554 -0.336493
NG34 0PJ 2 0 52.901896 -0.337388
NG34 0PL 17 1 52.901698 -0.335113
NG34 0PN 16 0 52.901177 -0.335163
NG34 0PP 7 0 52.905787 -0.336919
NG34 0PQ 21 0 52.901457 -0.34104
NG34 0PR 19 0 52.905546 -0.335754
NG34 0PS 16 0 52.905516 -0.333629
NG34 0PW 18 0 52.901449 -0.334052
NG34 0PZ 32 0 52.892189 -0.341067
NG34 0QA 36 3 52.89423 -0.341443
NG34 0QB 21 2 52.892728 -0.341715
NG34 0QD 11 1 52.891424 -0.341646
NG34 0QE 34 0 52.895235 -0.339003
NG34 0QF 9 0 52.895898 -0.337595
NG34 0QG 12 0 52.894298 -0.339515
NG34 0QH 20 1 52.892871 -0.340372
NG34 0QJ 20 0 52.893865 -0.338134