all postcodes in NG34 / SLEAFORD

find any address or company within the NG34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG34 0QL 8 0 52.894419 -0.337236
NG34 0QN 20 1 52.891724 -0.336804
NG34 0QP 21 3 52.892073 -0.336032
NG34 0QQ 5 1 52.893623 -0.340804
NG34 0QS 50 0 52.891554 -0.343901
NG34 0QT 6 0 52.891295 -0.349188
NG34 0QU 17 1 52.893911 -0.34274
NG34 0QW 3 0 52.890267 -0.334154
NG34 0QX 13 0 52.895877 -0.336734
NG34 0QY 20 0 52.890821 -0.344865
NG34 0QZ 4 0 52.893427 -0.342833
NG34 0RA 29 1 52.952183 -0.308309
NG34 0RB 27 0 52.952732 -0.312507
NG34 0RD 32 1 52.951093 -0.310428
NG34 0RE 6 0 52.951312 -0.309362
NG34 0RF 7 0 52.945623 -0.31396
NG34 0RG 25 0 52.950881 -0.308479
NG34 0RH 3 0 52.951733 -0.30613
NG34 0RJ 15 1 52.951877 -0.3055
NG34 0RL 13 1 52.952832 -0.303125