all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

find any address or company within the NN16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 8LA 5 52.404888 -0.727165
NN16 8LD 12 52.408557 -0.733925
NN16 8LE 0 52.404137 -0.747781
NN16 8LH 1 52.402618 -0.716779
NN16 8LJ 2 52.402879 -0.71542
NN16 8LL 5 52.403047 -0.714871
NN16 8LN 0 52.404091 -0.711709
NN16 8LP 0 52.404947 -0.710185
NN16 8LQ 1 52.402349 -0.717963
NN16 8LS 0 52.404613 -0.746812
NN16 8LT 0 52.404138 -0.747017
NN16 8LU 0 52.404265 -0.746278
NN16 8LW 0 52.404443 -0.710964
NN16 8LX 2 52.403455 -0.745331
NN16 8LY 0 52.403255 -0.745939
NN16 8LZ 0 52.40275 -0.746659
NN16 8NA 1 52.402718 -0.719628
NN16 8NB 3 52.404098 -0.719794
NN16 8ND 3 52.405337 -0.718788
NN16 8NE 2 52.406397 -0.71789