all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 8PN 1 52.405502 -0.712477
NN16 8PP 1 52.407218 -0.739035
NN16 8PQ 0 52.405138 -0.715354
NN16 8PS 10 52.410083 -0.739586
NN16 8PT 9 52.407829 -0.738416
NN16 8PU 7 52.407145 -0.740625
NN16 8PX 31 52.41096 -0.742046
NN16 8PY 7 52.410596 -0.742203
NN16 8PZ 7 52.412496 -0.739076
NN16 8QA 6 52.403655 -0.725378
NN16 8QB 1 52.404564 -0.725484
NN16 8QD 0 52.405382 -0.713009
NN16 8QE 0 52.403134 -0.724599
NN16 8QF 1 52.404608 -0.726218
NN16 8QG 4 52.405076 -0.724529
NN16 8QH 2 52.406733 -0.718983
NN16 8QJ 0 52.4066 -0.720795
NN16 8QL 1 52.404882 -0.719904
NN16 8QN 0 52.406002 -0.720386
NN16 8QP 1 52.404487 -0.724105