all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 8NF 0 52.407302 -0.717614
NN16 8NJ 0 52.40487 -0.718022
NN16 8NL 3 52.40372 -0.719761
NN16 8NN 7 52.410173 -0.744655
NN16 8NP 0 52.415261 -0.717824
NN16 8NQ 3 52.402953 -0.71896
NN16 8NS 7 52.408202 -0.741051
NN16 8NU 1 52.405152 -0.714177
NN16 8NX 1 52.405875 -0.715332
NN16 8NY 0 52.40596 -0.716565
NN16 8NZ 2 52.404813 -0.714408
NN16 8PA 1 52.4059 -0.717625
NN16 8PB 0 52.405383 -0.71642
NN16 8PD 0 52.404229 -0.714454
NN16 8PE 0 52.404721 -0.712544
NN16 8PF 0 52.404395 -0.715625
NN16 8PG 0 52.403618 -0.71528
NN16 8PH 0 52.406788 -0.71657
NN16 8PJ 0 52.406489 -0.715535
NN16 8PL 3 52.405725 -0.71397