all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 8QQ 0 52.405895 -0.722168
NN16 8QR 0 52.405331 -0.721566
NN16 8QS 0 52.405953 -0.719241
NN16 8QT 0 52.402027 -0.724778
NN16 8QW 2 52.403985 -0.725942
NN16 8QX 0 52.402003 -0.724176
NN16 8QY 1 52.402195 -0.72251
NN16 8RA 5 52.402285 -0.723668
NN16 8RB 1 52.402855 -0.722314
NN16 8RD 1 52.402852 -0.723431
NN16 8RE 1 52.40242 -0.724208
NN16 8RF 0 52.402766 -0.722993
NN16 8RG 3 52.403132 -0.72357
NN16 8RH 0 52.403964 -0.72237
NN16 8RJ 1 52.404604 -0.722528
NN16 8RL 0 52.405185 -0.722967
NN16 8RN 2 52.405824 -0.72339
NN16 8RP 0 52.404682 -0.721394
NN16 8RQ 1 52.403233 -0.721524
NN16 8RR 0 52.40464 -0.720822