all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 7BA 0 51.63656 -2.658211
NP16 7BB 0 51.637152 -2.65676
NP16 7BD 0 51.637372 -2.657732
NP16 7BE 0 51.640502 -2.655783
NP16 7BG 0 51.635682 -2.657635
NP16 7BH 0 51.645628 -2.66715
NP16 7BJ 1 51.65387 -2.665791
NP16 7BL 0 51.645242 -2.652296
NP16 7BN 4 51.65006 -2.667402
NP16 7BP 0 51.650661 -2.667247
NP16 7BQ 0 51.647872 -2.662754
NP16 7BR 0 51.650994 -2.667575
NP16 7BS 0 51.651117 -2.668097
NP16 7BT 0 51.651337 -2.667378
NP16 7BU 0 51.652367 -2.666087
NP16 7BW 0 51.649537 -2.667288
NP16 7BX 0 51.651097 -2.664984
NP16 7BY 0 51.65107 -2.66653
NP16 7BZ 0 51.650227 -2.664494
NP16 7DA 0 51.649612 -2.663647