all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 5DN 9 1 51.822106 -3.024654
NP7 5DP 12 1 51.822595 -3.024245
NP7 5DQ 16 0 51.822974 -3.024137
NP7 5DR 2 0 51.823711 -3.024726
NP7 5DS 51 0 51.823205 -3.02333
NP7 5DT 13 1 51.82283 -3.025092
NP7 5DU 21 0 51.823469 -3.024032
NP7 5DW 8 0 51.822191 -3.024148
NP7 5DY 21 0 51.82446 -3.024882
NP7 5EA 30 0 51.822461 -3.023139
NP7 5EB 1 1 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 5EE 19 6 51.820647 -3.018287
NP7 5EF 1 1 51.821754 -3.022702
NP7 5EG 3 2 51.822003 -3.018863
NP7 5EH 31 16 51.821561 -3.018026
NP7 5EN 1 1 51.821149 -3.017828
NP7 5EQ 14 0 51.820669 -3.017193
NP7 5ER 23 13 51.820752 -3.016519
NP7 5EU 22 10 51.821629 -3.017462
NP7 5EW 30 15 51.820516 -3.016732