all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

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Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 5JA 12 0 51.815816 -3.009613
NP7 5JB 7 0 51.816248 -3.009622
NP7 5JD 5 0 51.825466 -3.008276
NP7 5JQ 7 0 51.822656 -3.015149
NP7 5JR 2 0 51.822564 -3.014906
NP7 5JS 16 0 51.822908 -3.015082
NP7 5JT 69 0 51.824245 -3.009163
NP7 5JW 30 0 51.824788 -3.007651
NP7 5JX 24 0 51.824741 -3.007926
NP7 5JY 6 0 51.824017 -3.010609
NP7 5JZ 38 0 51.825219 -3.006761
NP7 5LA 1 0 51.822351 -3.010833
NP7 5LB 1 0 51.823088 -3.008789
NP7 5LD 10 0 51.822394 -3.015273
NP7 5LE 4 0 51.821157 -3.010646
NP7 5LF 11 0 51.818505 -3.011646
NP7 5LG 34 0 51.819137 -3.00931
NP7 5LH 22 0 51.8191 -3.011456
NP7 5LJ 37 0 51.823378 -3.012727
NP7 5LL 26 0 51.819197 -3.010704