all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 5LN 16 0 51.820757 -3.011131
NP7 5LP 4 0 51.819576 -3.01254
NP7 5LR 20 0 51.820501 -3.012692
NP7 5LT 43 2 51.823438 -3.013678
NP7 5LU 21 4 51.821941 -3.013151
NP7 5LW 7 0 51.819979 -3.011693
NP7 5LX 29 0 51.823236 -3.010417
NP7 5LY 32 0 51.822438 -3.011226
NP7 5LZ 17 0 51.823588 -3.011339
NP7 5NA 14 0 51.822335 -3.014793
NP7 5ND 10 4 51.821395 -3.016455
NP7 5NE 7 0 51.820958 -3.01601
NP7 5NF 1 1 51.822009 -3.016193
NP7 5NH 6 0 51.821834 -3.016581
NP7 5NJ 16 0 51.822033 -3.015396
NP7 5NP 26 8 51.821801 -3.016261
NP7 5NQ 37 0 51.821636 -3.014574
NP7 5NT 11 7 51.82304 -3.017122
NP7 5NW 1 1 51.822607 -3.015597
NP7 5PE 5 3 51.823009 -3.017557