all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 5PF 1 1 51.824593 -3.018805
NP7 5PH 8 6 51.823242 -3.018679
NP7 5PJ 9 0 51.82312 -3.015609
NP7 5PN 5 4 51.82287 -3.018505
NP7 5PP 6 0 51.823372 -3.015498
NP7 5PQ 26 0 51.82474 -3.013295
NP7 5PR 21 6 51.823768 -3.014448
NP7 5PU 1 1 51.825109 -3.013259
NP7 5PW 50 0 51.825694 -3.013757
NP7 5PY 19 0 51.825644 -3.012778
NP7 5RA 9 1 51.826323 -3.01214
NP7 5RB 12 0 51.827275 -3.011277
NP7 5RD 28 0 51.827537 -3.01002
NP7 5RE 24 0 51.827272 -3.008461
NP7 5RF 3 0 51.826216 -3.007886
NP7 5RG 13 0 51.82713 -3.010388
NP7 5RH 11 0 51.826683 -3.009043
NP7 5RJ 6 0 51.824755 -3.012555
NP7 5RL 5 0 51.826012 -3.010668
NP7 5RN 6 0 51.826524 -3.009736