all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 6HA 0 51.832282 -3.009313
NP7 6HB 0 51.833338 -3.008844
NP7 6HD 0 51.833998 -3.007378
NP7 6HE 0 51.833456 -3.0077
NP7 6HF 1 51.834227 -3.009009
NP7 6HG 0 51.834035 -3.010969
NP7 6HJ 0 51.83391 -3.005069
NP7 6HL 0 51.833598 -3.01001
NP7 6HN 0 51.832876 -3.010285
NP7 6HP 0 51.832344 -3.010505
NP7 6HQ 0 51.836435 -3.004181
NP7 6HR 0 51.831399 -3.010542
NP7 6HS 0 51.83206 -3.007959
NP7 6HT 0 51.834547 -3.006273
NP7 6HU 3 51.835639 -3.005789
NP7 6HW 0 51.832136 -3.008468
NP7 6HX 0 51.834404 -3.007242
NP7 6HY 0 51.835112 -3.006001
NP7 6JX 0 51.838385 -3.004297
NP7 6JY 0 51.839288 -3.004883