all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 6JZ 0 51.838588 -3.002676
NP7 6LA 0 51.836046 -3.00545
NP7 6LB 0 51.836609 -3.005425
NP7 6LD 0 51.8368 -3.004581
NP7 6LE 1 51.837281 -3.004012
NP7 6LF 0 51.837072 -3.00331
NP7 6LG 5 51.836565 -3.003203
NP7 6LH 0 51.839031 -3.009726
NP7 6LJ 0 51.838422 -3.008333
NP7 6LL 0 51.838929 -3.00957
NP7 6LN 0 51.839079 -3.009994
NP7 6LP 0 51.839498 -3.007617
NP7 6LQ 0 51.838915 -3.007488
NP7 6LR 0 51.839836 -3.008045
NP7 6LS 0 51.840103 -3.007311
NP7 6LT 0 51.840113 -3.006223
NP7 6LU 0 51.839564 -3.00624
NP7 6LW 0 51.837776 -3.005082
NP7 6LX 0 51.838672 -3.006452
NP7 6LY 0 51.839887 -3.007335