all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 6LZ 1 51.839275 -3.008497
NP7 6NA 0 51.837848 -3.010251
NP7 6NB 0 51.838655 -3.009514
NP7 6ND 0 51.837046 -3.00627
NP7 6NE 0 51.83747 -3.008254
NP7 6NF 0 51.836932 -3.007037
NP7 6NG 0 51.836005 -3.008134
NP7 6NH 0 51.836682 -3.00783
NP7 6NL 0 51.836724 -3.008194
NP7 6NP 0 51.828543 -3.006023
NP7 6NQ 0 51.828411 -3.004656
NP7 6NR 0 51.830201 -3.004536
NP7 6NS 1 51.832188 -3.001974
NP7 6NT 0 51.837246 -2.999314
NP7 6NU 1 51.842926 -3.001646
NP7 6NW 0 51.829715 -3.005599
NP7 6NY 0 51.841987 -3.004711
NP7 6PA 1 51.844392 -3.002108
NP7 6PB 0 51.848418 -3.007627
NP7 6PD 0 51.830624 -3.007637